SIC No. | Subject | Date | Download |
1 | Addressed to Financial Intermediation Institutions | 2018 | AR |
2 | Addressed to Specialized Lending Entities - Comptoirs | 2016 | AR |
2 | Addressed to Financial Institutions | 1998 | EN AR |
3 | Implementation Rules of the Law regulating the Money Changer Profession | 2001 | EN AR |
63 | Addressed to Banks and Companies authorized to Issue Credit and Debit Cards | 1999 | EN AR |
69 | Addressed to Banks, Financial Institutions and Institutions performing Electronic Banking and Financial Operations | 2000 | EN AR |
81 | Addressed to Banks and Financial Institutions | 2001 | EN AR |
83 | Regulations on the Control of Financial and Banking Operations for Fighting Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing (AML/CFT) | 2001 | EN AR |
111 | Addressed to Banks, Financial Institutions, Financial Intermediations Institutions, Leasing Companies, Exchange Institutions, and the Public Cash Transfers according to the Hawala System | 2007 | EN AR |
126 | Addressed to Banks and Financial Institutions The Relationship between Banks and Financial Institutions and their Correspondents | 2012 | EN AR |